Waterproof Headphones - Things to Look For

If you are looking for waterproof headphones so you can listen to music while doing your everyday swimming routine, you've come to the right place! The purpose of this page is to give you a great selection of the best waterproof headphone available in the market. That way, you won't have to spend hours scouring the internet trying the right headphones!

Before we get into the list of headphone that are purposely made for underwater music listening, there are three things you should take into consideration when buying the right pair...

  • The first thing you have to look out for when purchasing headphones for swimming is to make sure they are not just water resistant. The difference between waterproof and water-resistance is that water-resistant headphones are not meant for swimming. They are built to resist water while running in the rain or listening to music while in the shower. Many buyers have mistakenly gotten water resistant headphones, and after the first or second time they've used them, they don't work! I don't want you to make the same mistake.

  • The second most important thing you're going to keep in mind is to think about comfort. Comfort is important, so you're going to want to buy the style you love the most. I advise you to take into consideration the headphone-style you use normally, and stick to this style when purchasing a pair of underwater headphones.

  • The third and final thing I want to remind you of is probably also the most obvious. If you want to buy a pair of underwater headphones, obviously you're going to want to make sure the music player you're using is also waterproof. If it isn't, you probably should either buy a waterproof case or then buy a mp3 or ipod player that is made for underwater usage. Yes, they do exist!

So there are three main tips I wanted to give before giving you the list of waterproof headphones. Now for the fun part!

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